Time to Understand the Successful Ice Angler

By: Matt Johnson What makes an ice angler  successful? This question seems complex  and out of   reach   but  in  fact  the  answer  is probably already under your nose. We spend   a   lot  of   time   browsing  the various Internet  websites, reading the latest magazine articles  and spending time chatting  with fellow  anglers  and friends  trying  to…

Top 10 Secrets to Icing More Panfish

We once believed that the best kept  secrets for targeting  winter  panfish were  shared at local  bait  shops,   church   meeting   rooms, neighborhood coffee  shops; basically  those unknown locations  where  old-timers  spend most of  their time  spewing  the tricks  of the trade. On the contrary,  the modern age has drastically   helped  define   the  new  set  of…


Pinpointing “Bull” Gills

By: Matt Johnson Pinpointing these  broad-shouldered  sunfish can be an  all-day  endeavor,  but  it’s a  day well-spent    once   you   hook   into   a   true pounder. Sunfish in the nine  to  eleven  inch range are in a  class of  their own,  and once they surpass that  ten-inch mark  you’ve  got yourself  a  real   trophy.   Light-biting,  drag squealing,…

Understanding Modern Electronics On Ice

By: Matt Johnson We sometimes get ahead of ourselves when trying to struggle with the  nuances  that  go into understanding  fishing  electronics.  We focus on  pixels,  watts,  power  output, all of the things that do  nothing but  confuse  the bulk of the angling  population.  We stumble into a retail store searching for  answers but only…

Backyard Ice Fishing… Metro Area Lakes

By: Matt Johnson When thinking about the Metro Area, MN, we oftentimes  assume  that  we’re  dealing  with small fish  and  pressured  lakes.  While both assumptions  can  (at times)  be true,  you’re only cheating yourself by pushing the  Metro lakes aside. Not only do our Metro lakes hold quality fish,  but at times  they  will  hold…

Vexilar Sets the Bar with New Technology

By: Matt Johnson and Tom Zenanko Vexilar,  maker  of  three-color  flasher  sonar technology,    has   blended    classic   Vexilar Flasher    performance  with   a   cutting-edge brushless data transfer technology to create a new   generation  of  sonar   for  anglers:   the FLX-28.  This addition  to the Vexilar  lineup is considered the company’s new flagship model and will be a part…

Finessing Aggressive Panfish

By: Matt Johnson Excuse me? Finessing an  aggressive  fish, huh? I suppose you’re wondering what that even means and  why I’m  titling this article in a  manner  that  would  contradict  itself. Well,    believe    it   or    not,    but    even aggressive-natured   fish   need   a    little coaxing at times. Even though the fish are aggressive,  it  doesn’t mean…

Pitching Drop-Shots

By: Matt Johnson When we think of drop-shotting, we typically think of vertical, finesse fishing over a rock pile or piece of isolated structure. Or maybe even a tactic used to pick-off schooling smallmouth bass along expansive flats. Drop-shotting is without a doubt an effective way to deploy a finesse presentation. But what about casting—or…